1. Step: Configure your project
Choose to start from one of provided templates, including:
- Hello UART C project
- Exception handling C project
- ROM/RAM project sample
- Dhrystone benchmark sample
- FreeRTOS…
… and get going with just a few mouse clicks.
Create new project from scratch and get full control over:
- C/C++ Build settings
- BA2x specific compiler, linker and assembler options
- BA2x processor configuration (little/big endian, number of GPRs, FPU, …)
… or revert to using Makefiles, if you prefer.
2. Step: Source code editing
Edit your source code with BeyondStudio source code editor with advanced features like:
- Effortless navigation through your code (hyper-linked code, search references, etc.)
- Code refactoring
- Syntax highlighting
- Customizable code formatting
Register View makes it easier to write your code.
Register View
3. Step: Register View
hile writing or debugging your code, register viewer allows you to
- Observe and modify values of SPR registers
- Observe and modify peripheral registers
- View documentation of register bits
Registers are described by user-extendable system description files allowing you add your peripherals Register View.
4. Step: Build your project
Configure your project through GUI (or Makefiles if you prefer).
Build your project with a mouse click.
5. Step: Running your code
Connect Beyond Debug Key to your board and benefit with
- Single debug device for JTAG access and UART console
- Support for target board IO voltages ranging from 1.2 V to 5V
- Transfer rates in excess of 600 kB/s
Seamlessly switch between launching your code in simulator or board
- Automatically start and connect console
- Effortlessly recompile and upload code to target device
- Start and stop your code with a single click
6. Step: Debug your code
Everybody writes bug free code, but sometimes it takes a bit of time to get there. BeyondStudio helps you get to working code faster using its graphical user interface:
- Set, clear software and hardware breakpoints and watchpoints
- Step over assembly instructions, code lines,…
- Call stack view and inspection
- Variables display
- Expressions display
- Disassembly view
- Memory view
Register View makes it even easier to debug your code.